Among the Luo, polygamy was not just the practice of one man living with many wives, but was practiced with a spiritual touch. A Luo man, once married could not have constructed a house or started a home in the absence of his wife (and male children) lest she be locked out of such a home.
A Luo man married to many wives couldn't have breaken the soil, seeded the soil, harvested his fields, given away his children in marriage, or at death burried in the absence of his First Wife (Mikayi). In any of these special times in a polygamists home, sex played a spiritual role, as opposed to leisure or procreation, at the center of which the first wife and the man were the stars.
A man who ignored the first wife would soon find himself living in perilous times. That was the situation in which Jim Okech, the hero in Joseph Alila's Sunset on Polygamy (1-42426684-5), found himself after his failure torealize that a First Wife who had reached menopose, and therefore moody, required extra attention because her spiritual role never ceased with the end of her procreative role.
Among the Luo, polygamy was not just the practice of one man living with many wives, but was practiced with a spiritual touch. A Luo man, once married could not have constructed a house or started a home in the absence of his wife (and male children) lest she be locked out of such a home.
A Luo man married to many wives couldn't have breaken the soil, seeded the soil, harvested his fields, given away his children in marriage, or at death burried in the absence of his First Wife (Mikayi). In any of these special times in a polygamists home, sex played a spiritual role, as opposed to leisure or procreation, at the center of which the first wife and the man were the stars.
A man who ignored the first wife would soon find himself living in perilous times. That was the situation in which Jim Okech, the hero in Joseph Alila's Sunset on Polygamy (1-42426684-5), found himself after his failure torealize that a First Wife who had reached menopose, and therefore moody, required extra attention because her spiritual role never ceased with the end of her procreative role.
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Thank you for visiting,
Joseph R. Alila
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