Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunset on Polygamy Early-Bird Release on Amazon.com

Sunset on Polygamy (ISBN 1-424-1-6684-5 (Under old 10-digit system)
or 978-1-424-1-6684-8 (New 13-digit system) is now available on www.amazon.com.

On the social dynamics in a polygamous home Alila writes in this must-read novel:

"..... A polygamous relationship is not for the feeble-minded man or woman. Mental astuteness is a key requirement for any man or woman in a polygamous marriage. The feeble-minded woman may end up in servitude of the other women, and a deficient polygamous man can be kicked about like football. I have witnessed either situation in the small village that raised me.
The social dynamics in a polygamous home is fluid: sometimes, and particularly when the man is away, relationships among the women are very cordial; they address each other on a first name basis, and even exchange delicacies. At other times, relationships are so rocky that not even common salt is exchanged. For a polygamous man living under these conditions, days of total consensus among his wives are considered unusual. Like a despot, he is more at peace under partial chaos; he often is isolated in his hut from where he issues irrational orders like a Greek god ....."

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