Joseph R. Alila, the author of the novel, Sunset on Polygamy ISBN No. 1424166845(PublishAmerica), who gave us a rare peek into the mysterious world of polygamy and romantic experiences of an African polygamist and his modern perils (in AIDS), is at it again in the long-awaited poetry collection, THIRTEEN CURSES ON MOTHER AFRICA (ISBN: 978-14303-1592-6).
This eye-opening collection of poems is published by Lulu (March 2007) (http://www.lulu.com/) the world's fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books. Thirteen Curses on Mother Africa is available at Lulu Storefront (http://www.lul.com;/) , and is available Worldwide in such online stores and outlets as http://www.amazon.com/ as http://www.barnesandnoble.com/, and http://www.amazon.com/,
In these mournful yet spiritually uplifting poems, Alila offers us a critical satirical exposition in verse of the causes of the maladies that continue to ail the African Continent. The poet mentally walks the reader through Addis, the symbolic home base to the lethargic African Union, and the absent African man and Leader, to the Longsuffering African woman. He then mourns the ravishing famine and debilitating disease epidemics in AIDS and Malaria of the East, Central and South, before crying over the Curses in Oil and Gems in the West and Center. If the readers have any tears left, they will shed them as the author mourns senseless brother-on-brother wars and the precipitous and dehumanizing and shameful child labor, that is seen all over Africa.
The common themes of Ebony’s deceitful Alien Lovers, the curses in Globalization and Free Trade, Institutionalized Corruption, and the African Dictator, are not spared by the poet’s pen. Notable numbers in this thematically-current, poetry collection are "The Longsuffering African woman," "The Thirteen Curses," and "Beautiful Ebony, Mother of All Mankind."
The common themes of Ebony’s deceitful Alien Lovers, the curses in Globalization and Free Trade, Institutionalized Corruption, and the African Dictator, are not spared by the poet’s pen. Notable numbers in this thematically-current, poetry collection are "The Longsuffering African woman," "The Thirteen Curses," and "Beautiful Ebony, Mother of All Mankind."
J R Alila